20-Year-Old Female Student Got An Award For Having Sex With 3 Different Men Every Week

Wonders! A 20-year-old Computer Science student in Britain was

bestowed the honor of being Britain's Horniest Student in 2013 after

boasting of sleeping with up to three men every week.

Elina Desaine of University of Exeter was given this prize after she

entered a degrading online competition where contestants are

encouraged to sleep with as many partners as they can. Whoever sleeps

with the most partners and can prove it, wins the competition

According to reports, Desaine won this award and £500 plus a year's

supply of condoms.

She pictured above with Tom Thurlow, the creator of the website that

organized the contest.

Elina proudly wrote on her Facebook page before she won:

'I should be the UK's horniest student because I have sex with at

least 2 / 3 different people a week. Sometimes I go clubbing, have sex

with someone, and then go back to the club to pick up my second

victim. Feeling horny right now, so might just text someone on my

'shag list' and do it in the computer room (I've done this before, was

great!) 'With your help of Alcohol I will be able to become an even

Hornier Student!'
