Nigeria Joined Israel, In Britain Disliked As North Korea Is Rated Most Hated Across Europe

A new research disclosed that the Britons dislike Israel more than Iran! Following a surge in negative attitudes towards the country over the past two years, While North Korea is regarded as the most hated nation outside of Europe. Independent report.

A latest survey carried out by Think Tank Chatham House on public attitudes towards other countries, 35 per cent of Britons said they felt “especially unfavourably” towards Israel, an increase of 18 per cent since 2012, while people’s unfavourable feelings towards Iran dropped from 45 per cent to 33 per cent.

North Korea on the other hand beat them both however, with 47 per cent of Britons feeling “especially unfavourable” towards the nation led by Kim Jong-un.

The research, entitled ‘Internationalism or Isolationism?

British attitudes towards the UK’s international priorities’ classed the top five least favourable nations as North Korea, Israel, Iran, Pakistan and Nigeria.

It was conducted during August 2014, which the researchers noted was at a time when “Israel was engaged in a military operation in Gaza against Hamas that caused large numbers of civilian casualties”.

The researchers suggested the prominence of this news at the time contributed to the increase in unfavourable feelings towards Israel.
